Take the NFFN_ADE_OBJ.BGL file and place it into: Flight Simulator X/Scenery/Global/scenery folder.ģ. Take the RS.BGL file of your choice AND the ADE_CVX.bgl file and place both of them into: Flight Simulator X/Addon Scenery/scenery folder.Ģ. The NFFN_ADE_OBJ.BGL is the scenery objects file and should always be used, please make sure this goes into the correct folderġ. The NFFN_ADE_CVX.bgl file removes the Autogen around the airport and should always be used with either file, The NFFN_ADE_RS.BGL file is the same as the default rwy operation. The NFFN_ADE_CW_RS.BGL file is with the Xwind rwy activated and in full operation, There are 4 BGL files: NFFN_ADE_RS.BGL, NFFN_ADE_CW_RS.BGL, NFFN_ADE_CVX.bgl and a NFFN_ADE_OBJ.BGL file This airport was designed with the latest version of ADE (v1.46) and made only for the FSX default airport: one file with the Crosswind rwy operating now activated by ADE where both rwy's will be used for takeoff/landing and one file as the default rwy operation: with extra parking, support vehicle roads rebuilt and many other improvements, airport views are from the roof of the control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation.
Also includes extra parking, rebuild support roads and many other improvements. An upgrade of the default airport including a version with crosswind runways operating. Scenery Nadi International Airport (NFFN), Fiji.